Friday, January 25, 2008

Word of the day...Learn it, Know it

Well today has been another learning day. As you know I have many of them. Recently Jeffrey had a ear infection that never fully healed causing his eardrum to rupture, so the kids and I have been making several trips to the doctor to be sure this situation is taken care of and he heals . A little while back Jason and I had been discussing the possibility of Jeffrey needing tubes in the near future and at the same time we also discussed Jacob needing his Adenoids removed due to his constant snoring, and mouth breathing.
So today we were on our way to the kids doctor, again, when this conversation took place.

me: We need to hurry Jeffrey needs his ears checked out again.
Jacob: Jeffey needs his ears looked at again? Why are they yucky bloody again?
me: yeah the poor little dude, his ears are yucky again.
Jacob: Are they going to give me a shot?
me: oh no honey! Today is Jeff again.
Jacob: but when are they going to get my organoids?
me: Organoids?
Jacob: yea we will they get my organoids? Today?

It took me a half second to get that he was trying to say Adenoids and that he must have been in hear shot of my discussion with Jason.
So after I wipe the tears of laughter from my face I did response to his question with a "no not today Jacob" only to hear
"is it the next day?".

Organoids: Jacob's mass of lymphoid tissue situated at the very back of the nose, in the roof of the nasopharnyx, where the nose blends into the mouth.