Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!

Jacob and Jeffrey both had Valentines Day parties today. Jacob's was with his class at school and Jeffrey's at playgroup.

Jacob has especially been looking forward to this day. He has had his outfit for today laid out since last week. I must say that he looked super handsom today. He has a little girlfried in class named Emily that he is quite fond of (sorry Avery). He took special care in her valentine today. She even brought Jacob a ballon and a special picture she colored. Ahhhhh young love.

Jeffrey obviously could care less about today. All he was interested in was eating. I think he only had two cookies and one cupcake, give or take.

Tonight will be a lay low kinda night. Lost is on tonight, so what else would I want to do but snuggle up on the couch with Jason and our favorite drama. I'm sure he will think of things. Hope everyone has a very loving day, and remember to tell the people that you love how much you care for and love them everyday of the year.
I love you all!

Jacob and Emily