Thursday, July 24, 2008

"Are you kidding me?"

Jacob's new phrase for the week...."Are you kidding me?"
Some examples

As we were walking/hurrying into swim lessons from the locker room..
Jacob: "Are you kidding me Jeffrey? You are the slowest little kid I know"

As he was putting on his new "speed racer" swimsuit on..
Jacob: "this speed racer suit is going to make me swim real fast..I mean come on..are you kidding me?"

Jacob apparently has a new "boys only club" that Jeff, daddy and him belong to. I'm not quite sure if Jason realizes that he is even part of a club, or that he may or may not be past due on his daily club dues. However I learned quickly I was not welcome into clubhouse(Jacob's room).

Jacob: "Are you kidding me? Didn't you see the sign...boy's only"

Lastly, as I was puting on eyeliner and mascara, with a concerned look...
Jacob: "are you kidding? That's too much eye polish."
I am not quite sure where Jacob came up with the saying or when to use it appropriately, but come on, are you kidding me? It's the funniest thing.


Lori said...

I can't believe you missed the sign on the door ... it's crystal clear ... "Boys Only", come on Sarah, are you kidding me? I love it!!!